Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hey Guys,

Once again it's been awhile since my last post, but trust I've been listening to a lot of stuff as of late. Mostly I've been going back to a lot of oldies but goodies including:

Coheed and Cambria - Second Stage Turbine
Monday in London - The Red Machine
Say Anything - Say anything is a real boy
POS - Audition
Darra J - Boomerang

if you don't have any of those albums, you better rectify that, cause it's all really good stuff. I heard the new single from My Chemical Romance, each album I feel the band has polished up there act but then I see them live and see that Gerard voice is still as weak live as always, which is a shame cause he's a real good performer outside of his exremely limited vocal range. I'm still gonna get the album, but cause the songs are still pretty cathartic. The new Tv on the Radio is amazing, so make sure to pick that one up, I think I'll put that as todays NOW!load. Other than that been listening to couple of the new hip hop releases like the new Outkast and Spank Rock, keep checking to see what I recommend in the music world.

Today's NOW!load: TV on the Radio - Dry Drunk Emperor

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