Saturday, June 18, 2005

Well, I'm gonna be in puerto rico all next week so I won't be able to post till I return so I thought I should make one more post before I go. This one will probably not be too long so it's so soon since the last one but think of it as a favor to you guys, those who love music.

What I'm doing in this post is I'm going to the website of Tree Wave, a band I mentioned in a previous post and going through their tour dates and checking out the bands they are touring with on different dates and posting what I think about them.

Dogme 95 ( - I actually like this, it's like singer song writer type stuff but with a lot of electronics to compliment the acoustic, I've made a few songs like this, but this guy is a lot better at it.

Super Love Attack ( - Really Psychedelic, if you dig a lot of classic rock or radiohead, give this band a try you might just like it.

The Tah-Dahs ( - HAHA, this band is awesome, it's quirky indie pop ala The Recital or Weezer with a dash of surf rock, these guys are the freaking shit!!! THEY HAVE BELLS!!!

Capillary Action ( - The is more for fans of Godspeed or Mogwai, really awesome indie instrumentals, I would really love to see this live lot of stuff going.

Brief Candles ( - Your typical indie rock fare, not to big on the vocals, but other than that the guitar work is pretty solid and atmosphering. Give it a try if it sounds like your type of thing.

The Robot Ate Me ( - Out of all these bands these guys are hand down the coolest, they play what it sounds like old 20's and 30's silent movie scores on a tape player while a guy sings over them... it's genius. So genius they get the NOWload of the day!!!
Todays NOW!load: The Robot at Me - Oh no! Oh My!

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