Monday, June 27, 2005


Well today is definetely a very special and joyous day, Cursive has announced that they will begin on new album, hopefully some live performances soon after cause I'd love to see them live, and for those you of you nore familiar with the band better get your ass out and do so, or I'll be mad.

In other news of more well know bands, Fall Out Boy have hit #1 on TRL, usally I'd not care about TRL, but I feel Fall Out Boy deserves the huge rash of success that's hit them lately, may they hit greater heights. Also Billy Talent has put some news songs on their and they are damn good, go listen to it now, you won't regret it.

A band that I've gotten pretty fond of is the Red Knife Lottery which is great for you blood brothers/locust fans, they so rock.

Also here is a Band Reviews from this weeks release schedule off

Dear Diary ( - Well the intrumental work is pretty sweet, but the vocals are definetley kinda whiny and the chorus don't really stand out, but they are pretty cool for a German band.

well I review of this weeks bands with releases int he next post, for now have a good one and celebrate Cursives return!!!
Todays NOW!load: Bayside - Masterpiece

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