Friday, January 20, 2006


Hey Guys,

It's 2006 and I havn't posted in awhile so I'm gona make a quick post with my top 10 of 2005! Basically a summary of what was NOW!... then. Keep checking but for the occasional plugs on awesome new stuff I've come across. This year I've already heard awesome releases from Hot Chip, Frankel, The Plastic Constellations, and more. So check those out and here is my top 10.

Alex Merceds top 20 of 2005

10. Coheed and Cambria - Dear Apollo, I'm on Burning Star IV vol.1
9. Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch
8. Clap Your Hand and say yeah - S/t
7. Wolfparade - My Apologies to Queen Mary
6. Of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins
5. Mammoths Melting out of the Ice - Meow Hit Lot Dood
4. Blackalicious - The Craft
3. Mylo - Destroy Rock n Roll
2. Cocorosie - Noahs Ark
1. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

Today's NOW!load: Frankel - All Satellites

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