Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hey Guys,

Today the My Chemical Romance Album comes out and I've just been really curious as how this album was gonna turnout with the release the first single "The Black Parade" which had some punk flavor mixed with Queen throwbacks. They had a streaming of the album online and later listening to it I'll have to say My Chemical Romance have put together an album that is just plain enjoyable. Gerard may not be the best vocalist live, but his inflections help make these songs what they are and the guitar work has gone a long way since the first album.

While this album is much more produced that the last album it works for the 80's music vibe of this album and really suites the music being made on this album. The album is by all means a pop album, and there is nothing but good with a bunch of songs with great hooks, and I'm not gonna buy the argument that pop album means selling out. If this album was made for money they could've done a lot less than what was done on this album and sold as many albums.

This album makes me think of queen and the movie the Labyrinth and the sort of dreamy and dark imagery both conjur, with the exception that this has a lot more of aggro punk edge mixed with some finger snapping cabaret stylings which they experimented with on Three Cheers. Overall whether it's up your alley or not, there is no denying that My Chemical Romance have found their place in the music world which only they occupy, love it or hate it, they do what they do and for the most part I think it's pretty darn enjoyable.

Today's NOW!load: The New Transit Direction - Survival 101

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