Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hey Guys,

Sorry the last couple of days I wasn't able to post anything but I had to keep busy promoting my radio show on WBGU 88.1fm. Today we're doing brazil since I've worked with people from Brazil and apparently they have a sweet electronic music scene, so I'm gonna look into it a bit.

Bonde de Role is this synth rock band that's actually been getting a lot hype in these parts from many of the indie rock magazines, I remember reading about them in BPM magazine. They are very similar to MIA but a little more lo fi, it's really good.

Here is Seu George a really awesome Samba man from Brazil, I lov ethis folky Samba stuff like this.

Dj Marky is an awesome Drum and Bass DJ from the country

Without very much effort i found a very amazing crop of music already but i must prepare to continue my trip around the world, but definetley look more into Brazils scene, it's quite amazing.

Todays NOW!load: Milky - Just the Way You Are

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